Modern Kindergarten and Children's Group Mexico provides full preschool education for children aged 1.5 to 6 years.
Our goal is enthusiastic children who actively experience the day at kindergarten and satisfied parents who can carry out their work duties with the feeling that their children are very well taken care of. We offer flexible operating hours, which we are able to adapt to parents' requirements, including night or weekend babysitting.
Our kindergarten is specialized in a healthy lifestyle with the support of sports activities. Children take physical activity classes several times a week, spend time on walks and their own playground, and also visit the partner pool and sports hall within 100 m of the kindergarten. We have our own salt cave and infrared sauna, which we use regularly.
Náš tým je složen z odborného pedagogického personálu. Všichni přistupujeme k dětem jako ke svým partnerům s pochopením a respektem k jejich individuálním potřebám. O naše starší děti se v současnosti starají zkušené paní učitelky Nikola a Aneta a asistentka pedagoga Ivana. Pečující osoby, které mají na starosti nejmladší děti jsou Markéta, Klára, Adriana, Hanka, Nikol a Jana. V týmu máme také externí pedagogy Moniku, Veroniku a další, které posilují náš tým v případech záskoků nebo dovolených stálých zaměstnanců.
My name is Adéla Franke and in 2019 I became the director of Kindergarten Mexico, less than a month after the birth of my second son. At the same time, we opened the kindergarten for the first time and everything was new to me.
In fact, I did not plan this direction of my life at all and I would not have expected to work with preschool children, because I am a trained special pedagogue with a focus on etopedics and deafpedics. I also used to work in this field and planned to stay in it, but as we all know, people change and life changes.
Contrary to all expectations, working with young children and their families is very fulfilling and motivating for me, I am surrounded by a functioning and professional team, which I choose carefully, because I am very well aware that it mainly depends on them.
My name is Nikola Volná and I studied Special Education at the Masaryk University in Brno, majoring in speech therapy and deaf therapy. I gained experience with children during internships in kindergartens, schools and day care centers. Already during my studies, I started working as an aunt in a crèche, later as a teacher in a kindergarten. I was also a leader at a summer camp for hearing impaired children. I lived in Vsetín for a year and a half, where I worked as an activation worker and nanny in a crèche. I have been working at School Mexico since October 2021 as a teacher. I am patient and when working with children I try to lead them to the greatest possible independence. I also really enjoy making and inventing different creative activities with the children. What I love most about my job is that I get to see the children grow and make new progress every day.
Hello, my name is Nikol Příhodová.
I worked in this kindergarten as a teacher's assistant and caregiver since October 2021. Now, due to my continued studies at the university, I lead classes in the kindergarten and work as an external teacher.
I graduated from secondary school of nursing and recently completed my university studies in the field of kindergarten teaching.
I have been working with children since I was fifteen years old. I have experience in different types of kindergartens, one of them was, for example, in the Start Together program. Among my biggest hobbies are music, singing and playing musical instruments.
Working with children fulfills me and I am happy to be a part of developing and educating the future generation.
Hello, my name is Aneta Chudejová. I graduated from secondary school - Agribusiness, then I completed a teacher's assistant course.
I previously worked in an autistic kindergarten, where I gained experience not only with children with autism spectrum disorders.
I also completed courses on the development of fine and gross motor skills, ADHD in preschool children and others.
In my work, I focus mainly on the development of communication and social skills, but also on the development of self-care, motor skills and other areas so that I can develop the child's entire personality.
Working with children is very fulfilling to me and their every progress is the greatest reward for me :)
Jmenuji se Klára Šramková a vystudovala jsem předškolní a mimoškolní pedagogiku. Během studia jsem nasbírala spoustu zkušeností jak v mateřských školách tak i jeslích s úplně malinkými dětmi. Vždy mě naplňovalo být v přítomnosti dětí, a proto jsem se vydala touto cestou. Neberu to jako práci, ale jako poslání rozvíjet, pomáhat a učit děti novým věcem. Baví mě s dětmi tvořit a hrát hry. O sobě mohu říct, že jsem starostlivá, pečlivá a vždy pozitivně naladěna. Ráda sportuji, travím čas v přírodě a s rodinou.
My name is Adriana Vrábliková. I graduated from high school with a focus on educational and humanitarian work. During my studies, I had the opportunity to try out practice in several kindergartens (even then I really liked working with children). In 2021, I obtained a teacher's assistant certificate, and thanks to that certificate, I also tried this profession in elementary school. I also completed basic first aid, completed with a medical certificate.In my free time, I spend time with my family and my children. I also like to play the flute. Working with children fills me with joy. I like to pass on my knowledge to children and teach them new skills. I would like to be a role model for them, but also a friend with whom they will feel safe.
My name is Jana Zdražilová. I graduated from high school with a specialization in hotel management and gastronomy. During my studies, I danced non-traditional Latin-American dances competitively, where I also participated in training children. On this occasion, I discovered that I really enjoy working with children and it fulfills me.
As part of lifelong education, I completed studies at the University of Ostrava - pedagogical studies for educators and free-time pedagogues.With children, I really enjoy creating and developing their imagination.I am a mother of two children. In my free time, I take care of pets, I like to go to nature and on various trips.
My name is Markéta Richtrová. I can say about myself that I am caring, responsible, patient and my favorite activities include: time spent with my family, either at home or somewhere on a joint trip, as well as dancing, which I have actively pursued for over 10 years in the disco dance group and dance ballet at TS Bohumín.
I graduated as a technical-administrative worker. After my studies, I worked as a sales assistant at NIKE and Yves Rocher, but at the same time I was thinking about what job I would do when I had my own family. After the birth of my daughter, I realized how caring for a child and love for her fulfills me, brings me a feeling of joy and happiness. That's why I decided to go in this direction and started studying the field of preschool and extracurricular pedagogy and also completed a nanny course for a children's group. I am extremely happy that I can be a part of such a wonderful team that the Kindergarten MEXICO has and which provides the best possible care for your children.
Jmenuji se Hana Hajdušková, a starám se o Vaše děti ve třídě Papriček. Po dokončení střední školy v oboru cestovní ruch jsem zjistila, že mě tato oblast nenaplňuje, a tak jsem se rozhodla pokračovat ve studiu na vyšší odborné škole v oboru předškolní a mimoškolní pedagogika, který mě opravdu baví a motivuje k dalšímu rozvoji.
Svou cestu v této profesi jsem začala právě ve Školce Mexiko, kde jsem při praxi získala cenné zkušenosti. Jsem maminkou malé holčičky, která mě inspiruje k vymýšlení nových her a aktivit, které ráda využívám i při práci s dětmi.
Ve volném čase si užívám procházky se psem, cestování a čas s rodinou. Těším se, že přispěji k rozvoji a radosti Vašich dětí.
Dobrý den, mé jméno je Ivana Přikrylová. Od dětství jsem snila o tom, že se stanu učitelkou, a proto jsem se rozhodla vystudovat obor sociální činnost, na který nyní navazuji studiem předškolní a mimoškolní pedagogiky. Svoji praxi ve školce jsem začala již během studia, což mi poskytlo cenné zkušenosti. Ve Školce Mexiko pracuji jako asistent pedagoga. Mou motivací je vytvářet pro děti prostředí, které je bezpečné, inspirující a podporující jejich růst.
Hello, my name is Adéla and I am a graduate of the Faculty of Education. During my studies, I worked in a kindergarten with preschool children. I have experience in a Montessori kindergarten and completed a health course for children. Working with children fulfills me. I like to develop creativity in children. I am positive and like to learn new things. My hobbies include travelling, hiking and cycling. I am in charge of the children in Tortilla' s class.
I wish you a nice day, my name is Monika and I studied preschool and extracurricular pedagogy at the Higher Vocational School. I have been working with children professionally since I was about 16 years old. In 2019, I became a qualified free-time teacher and teaching assistant. In the same year, I passed my school-leaving exam with honors in psychology, pedagogy, Czech and English. I have also been trained in courses such as communication with people in accordance with the functioning of the brain and critical thinking, which took place in cooperation with the Faculty of Law of Masaryk University.
I started here as a nanny at the Mexico Kindergarten and my first visit was here in November 2019. A lot has changed since then, but I still remain the same, especially smiling and positive every day. My goal is and always will be to pass on as much knowledge as possible to children, to adopt already acquired skills and to advance is further At the same time, and especially in our crèches, I hold a position educators, where children need to be taught basic hygiene and social habits.
I am part of a team where we try to make the most of it for the enjoyment and enrichment of the program for our children. I enjoy working with children and it can be said that this is the current content of my life.