27/01/2025 - admin
The menu of our kindergarten can be found in the attached file :-)) MENU 1 always applies to our kindergarten.
20/12/2024 - admin
Krásné Vánoce všem našim dětem a jejich rodinám, našim partnerům a prostě všem, kteří nám pomáhají dělat naši školku takovou, jaká je a na kterou jsme hrdí 🙂 Děkujeme Adéla Franke a celý tým ŠM
08/11/2024 - Adela Franke
Od ledna v budově naší školky otevíráme již 4. třídu s názvem Limetky. Věkové rozpětí dětí bude cca od 2,5-6 let s provozní dobou 6.30-17.00 hodin. Těšíme se na nové děti i jejich rodiny. Tým ŠM
01/08/2024 - admin
Project registration number: CZ.03.01.02/00/24_061/0004421 Project name: Support for the construction and operation of the Children's Group Mexico III. Information about the project Subsidy recipient: BabySamien Little school Kindergarten, z.ú. Address of the place of implementation: Bohumínská 37/158, Ostrava – Muglinov, 712 00 Project schedule: 1 August 2024 – 31 December 2024 construction of the Children's Group Mexico III. 1/1/2025 – 31/12/2025 operation of Children's Group Mexico III. Description […]
31/03/2024 - admin
Dear parents, registration for the 2024/2025 school year will take place in the week of 2-3 May 2024, always after prior arrangement by phone at 773 991 336. How to apply for admission Legal representatives can submit the application in the following ways: − to the kindergarten's mailbox − by e-mail with the electronic signature of the legal representative − by mail − by hand delivery at the kindergarten If […]
20/12/2022 - admin
On Monday 19.12. a big surprise was waiting for children from all classes under the tree. They received gifts and were very happy not to….they received a lot of beautiful books and accessories for "magical reading" from Albi, including electronic pencils. The project is co-financed by the statutory city of Ostrava, the municipal district of Silesian Ostrava. Thank you, we appreciate it 🙂 Team ŠM
01/03/2022 - admin
Dear parents, Enrollment in our kindergarten for the 2022/2023 school year will take place between May 2 and 16, 2022 in the form of individual meetings.Meetings take place on the basis of a prior telephone arrangement on the telephone number below. Children who reach the age of five by 31 August 2022 are obliged to attend pre-school education. Reception of applications for kindergarten electronically via e-mail skolkamexiko@gmail.com [...]
24/12/2021 - Adela Franke
Merry Christmas and the whole year 2022. Enjoy yourself, be healthy and happy. For the Mexico Kindergarten and its wonderful Adéla Franke team
06/09/2021 - admin
Due to the weather, we had to postpone the start a bit, but we were rewarded with a beautiful sunny day and a large participation from the children and their family members. Thank you for the support of the partners, insurance companies ČPP and ČPZP, who participated in the preparation of this event. We welcome all the children to the new school year and wish them […]
26/05/2021 - admin
Our school still has some free places for new children, so don't hesitate and come and see our wonderful large and sunny spaces, salt cave, infrared sauna and playground....just come or you can book a time. ŠM team
01/11/2020 - admin
Since October 2020, the Zdravá vařečka company provides meals for our kindergarten. The Zdravá vařečka company is a facility specializing in the preparation of meals for kindergartens, elementary schools, and special schools. All within the framework of compliance with the consumption basket and taking into account the healthy, varied and tasty diet of children. The company is registered in the school catering register.
26/06/2020 - admin
...just like adults, children are excited that it's finally warm, they can run outside in the grass and play in the sand. Our kids painted their favorite summer treat….what do you think it is???
08/06/2020 - admin
Holiday suburban camp for the little ones WHERE: Private school and nursery Mexiko, Bohumínská 37/158, 712 00 Ostrava-Muglinov WHEN: rotation I. - 13.7. – 17.7.2020 (7:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.) shift II. – 17.8. – 21/8/2020 (7:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.) PRICE: NOK 2,200 Program suitable for children from 3 to 5 years old (younger or older children by agreement)* social [...]
16/04/2020 - admin
Our bugs sent pictures from home to our teacher Janička for a speedy recovery...
01/04/2020 - admin
Even though the situation has been the way it is for the last few weeks, Kindergarten Mexico is still here for you and your children. Slowly but surely, we are preparing for spring and Easter, but for now we are attaching photos from this year's "snowless" winter....
11/03/2020 - admin
This is to inform you that Kindergarten Mexico is currently still open for children. We are monitoring the situation and will evaluate any changes every day. The children and staff of the nursery school were all introduced to stricter procedures in the area of hygiene – more frequent hand washing, use of handkerchiefs, disinfection, non-contact temperature measurement after entering the nursery school.
07/01/2020 - Adela Franke
May this whole year be beautiful for you, full of joy and laughter, may you and your families be healthy and may you be surrounded by only the right people 😉 Team of the Kindergarten Mexico
02/12/2019 - admin
Come and visit our beautiful kindergarten in Silesian Ostrava with your children. We will guide you, the children can play and we will certainly convince you that you will not find a prettier and better equipped nursery school for your youngest in the area 😉
22/10/2019 - Adela Franke
🎃🎃🎃 On Tuesday, October 29, 2019, the first Halloween party took place in our kindergarten and we think everyone enjoyed it. Here you could meet vampires, spider cats, witches, but also twin pumpkins 🎃🦇🕸🕷👻🎃
30/09/2019 - admin
…we play in the playroom, paint, relax in the salt cave, read fairy tales and make….
11/09/2019 - admin
When it's as beautiful outside as it has been the last few days (we don't mean the rain the day before yesterday :-), we go for walks with the children and feed the ducklings in the nearby Komenské orchards or on our playground, from where we can't get them...
04/09/2019 - admin
Come and take a look at our beautiful school with your children and possibly try it out as part of the open day. The Mexico Kindergarten team is looking forward to seeing you
30/08/2019 - admin
Our first ever suburban camp is over and we can say with a calm heart that everyone involved enjoyed it. The children visited the ZOO, tried out the new pool near the kindergarten and the salt cave, which they were the very first in after it opened 🙂
21/07/2019 - admin
Holiday suburban camp for the little ones WHERE: Private school and nursery Mexiko (Skolka Mexiko), Bohumínská 37/158, 712 00 Ostrava-Muglinov WHEN: 19.8. – 23.8.2019 (7:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.) PRICE: NOK 2,200 Program suitable for children from 3 to 5 years old (younger or older children by agreement)* party games and competitions* sports activities and prize competitions* creative and artistic activities* […]
02/07/2019 - Adela Franke
Since July, we have been running a regular night watch every even Friday of the month. For more information, contact us at skolkamexiko@gmail.com or phone +420773991336. We also offer the option of night security at any other time, everything depends only on agreement 🙂
17/06/2019 - Adela Franke
As we previously announced, we will be starting full-day kindergarten operations from September, but you can place your children with us already in the summer. It will only depend on you whether you just try out the kindergarten for a few hours or place your children with us for regular attendance. For more information, call 773991336 or email skolkamexiko@gmail.com.
21/05/2019 - Adela Franke
In the near future, we are planning 3 days for you, during which registrations for our kindergarten will take place, or you can just come and have a look with your children without obligation. Registration and open days will take place on the following days and times: 30.5.2019 – 14.00 – 17.00 hours 4.6.2019 – 13.00 – 16.00 hours 10.6.2019 – 14.00 – 17.00 hours [...]
28/04/2019 - admin
Kindergarten Mexico is preparing for its first small clients, which we will be able to accept as early as May 2019. The official opening of the kindergarten is planned for September 2019, but if there are interested parties, children can visit the kindergarten and nursery now. It depends only on you whether you use the all-day babysitting offer or just a one-off for a few […]
21/04/2019 - admin
Welcome to the website of the newest private nursery school in Silesian Ostrava.